The Bare Minimum You Need For A Brand

When I say the word “brand” people often cringe. It’s such an ambiguous word and can mean so many different things. Brands are also perceived to be very complex. After all, doesn’t one major soft drink company spends millions per year on building their brand? How can a coach or solopreneur expect to build a brand on their shoe string budgets. The answer is that, you don’t need to spend money at all. One major soft drink company is spending millions per year on building brand recognition on an international scale. They are targeting everyone in America (and the world for that matter) that is thirsty and they want their products to be picked over all other choices and generate billions of dollars. That’s a pretty hefty order. On the other hand as a coach, you only need to reach a small number of the right people in order to have the business of your dreams. So while I totally encourage you to think big and play even bigger – I don’t think you need to have a major soft drink company’s mindset when it comes to branding. So what is the bare minimum that YOU need to have a … Continue reading The Bare Minimum You Need For A Brand